Shop Unique Samples from High Point Market. Framed Giclees and Canvas Reproductions from Museum and Gallery Collections

Collection: On the Shores of Lake Otsego

Fenimore Art Museum

April 1 – December 31, 2023

Otsego Lake takes its name from the Haudenosaunee people, whose presence in the area has been known, dating back to before the 17th century. Long enjoyed by residents and visitors to Cooperstown, the lake has been referred to by James Fenimore Cooper as a "glimmering glass," or "Glimmerglass." Authors and artists have long found inspiration on her shores and the works featured this season in the Cooper room pay homage to Lake Otsego.

4 products
Otsego Lake Looking North from Two Mile Point by Edward B. Gay
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from €21,95 to €112,95
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Otsego Lake by I.D. Brower
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from €21,95 to €112,95
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Lake Party at Three Mile Point, Otsego Lake, New York by Louis Remy Mignot
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from €21,95 to €112,95
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Joseph Brant (1742-1807) by Gilbert Stuart
Regular price
from €21,95 to €112,95
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