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Collection: Detroit Institute of Arts

The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), located in Midtown Detroit, Michigan, has one of the largest and most significant art collections in the United States. With over 100 galleries, it covers 658,000 square feet (61,100 m2) with a major renovation and expansion project completed in 2007 that added 58,000 square feet (5,400 m2). The DIA collection is regarded as among the top six museums in the United States with an encyclopedic collection which spans the globe from ancient Egyptian and European works to contemporary art. Its art collection is valued in billions of dollars, up to $8.1 billion according to a 2014 appraisal.The DIA campus is located in Midtown Detroit's Cultural Center Historic District, about two miles (3 km) north of the downtown area, across from the Detroit Public Library near Wayne State University.

The museum building is highly regarded by architects. The original building, designed by Paul Philippe Cret, is flanked by north and south wings with the white marble as the main exterior material for the entire structure. The campus is part of the city's Cultural Center Historic District listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The museum's first painting was donated in 1883 and its collection consists of over 65,000 works. With about 677,500 visitors annually for 2015, the DIA is among the most visited art museums in the world. {}

A portion from sales of products featuring works in the Detroit Institute of Arts collection is paid back to the museum to support their programs.

51 products
Diego Rivera posing with a dog while working on the North Wall of his Detroit Industry murals at the DIA by unknown photographer
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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A tender moment between Rivera and Kahlo on the scaffold (Detroit Industry) by unknown photographer
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Lucienne Bloch, Arthur Niendorf, Jean Wright, an unidentified woman, Frida Kahlo, and Rivera watching an eclipse on the roof of the DIA by unknown photographer
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Frida painting Self-Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States by unknown photographer
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Frida Kahlo on the balcony of Rivera Court by unknown photographer
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Annunciatory Angel by Fra Angelico
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Hummingbirds and Orchids by Martin Johnson Heade
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Mosquito Nets by John Singer Sargent
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Martha and Mary Magdalene by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
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from $22.50 to $120.00
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Dances by Arthur Bowen Davies, Framed Art Print
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