Shop Unique Samples from High Point Market. Framed Giclees and Canvas Reproductions from Museum and Gallery Collections

Museums.Co, The Business

For Museums.Co, art isn't a luxury - it's a necessity. Started by a wife and husband team with 10 years of experience in the sales of products featuring artworks from museums and private collections, our vision is to become the first stop for anyone looking to purchase affordable artwork that inspires them daily. In the home or in the office. Our team's commitment to the digitization of museum and private collection content puts the best of art directly at your fingertips, giving you a first-hand look at today's most innovative exhibitions and collections. The use of high-quality digital files, meticulous color matching, archival paper and inks, and superbly handcrafted frames has made the Museums.Co Collection a favorite of curators across the globe. And, having developed the most generous of royalty programs, a portion of the sales from these fabulous collections is returned to the institutions in which the original artworks are preserved as well as to many artists and estates that retain the copyright to the inspiring artworks.